Using Systems Thinking to Avoid Systems Engineering Failures by Thomas F. Gannon and Jamie
P. Monat and Becoming a Systems Engineer by Art Pyster
Using Systems Thinking to Avoid Systems Engineering Failures by Thomas F. Gannon and Jamie
P. Monat and Becoming a Systems Engineer by Art Pyster
Equivalences and Differences between Arcadia/Capella and SysML by Stéphane Bonnet and Stéphane Lacrampe and It’s a Long Way to the Top if You Wanna Rock and Roll, or do Systems Engineering by Jon Holladay
The Case for using Competence Assessment within the INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) Program by Ian Presland and Enterprise System Engineering: Applying Enterprise and Architecture in the Practice of Enterprise Architecture by Marc H Gewertz
Vision and Leadership: Two Inseparable Pillars for the Future of Systems Engineering by Dr. Bernardo A. Delicado
Keep Systems Engineering Simple to Get the Job Done by Sören Ulonska, and Cecilia Haskins, Oluf Tonning, Itxaso Yuguero-Garmendia
How Well Does the Agile Manifesto Align with Principles that Lead to Success in Product Development? by Tom Gilb
Object-Process Methodology, OPM ISO 19450 – OPCloud and the Evolution of OPM Modeling Tools, by Dov Dori, Ahmad Jbara, Natali Levi, and Niva Wengrowicz