Systems Engineering Overall FAQ
Answers by Robert Halligan FIE Aust CPEng IntPE(Aus).
An executive professional engineer, manager and engineering practitioner, Robert is internationally renowned for his role in the practice and improvement of technology-based projects. Since earning his qualifications in communications engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (now RMIT University), Mr. Halligan has gained experience in almost every definable business sector, over a broad spectrum of technologies. He has performed engineering, engineering management, and project management roles in private enterprise, including large transnational corporations (Rockwell, Andrew Corporation), and in the intelligence area of the public sector. Mr. Halligan has also served as Director (International) of INCOSE, President of the Systems Engineering Society of Australia, and for several years was an INCOSE Ambassador. He is an honorary member of the Korean Council on Systems Engineering and of INCOSE Brasil.