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Systems Engineering Consulting
Unlock the power of systems engineering through expert consulting
You can tap intellect and experience that will help you exploit systems engineering to greatest effect, via on-site and remote working and online communication. With PPI consulting support, drive towards improved processes, more-capable staff and a better future.
Assignments undertaken by PPI include:
- systems engineering capability benchmarking (Australia)
- requirements capture, validation and specification assignments in the medical device sector (USA)
- architecture consulting for a very large, leading edge system development (Germany)
- working with a large energy-sector company to achieve a systems engineering culture top to bottom (USA)
- assessment of IPT effectiveness for a $4B project (Australia)
- requirements management consulting for a company in the marine products sector (Australia)
- large scale management and engineering support to the $1B Lead-in Fighter Project (Australia)
- numerous requirements quality measurement and reporting assignments (USA, Australia)
- engineering support to a $400M electronic warfare self-protection project (Australia)
- engineering education University curriculum development (Singapore)
- risk-based optimisation of Air Traffic Management support infrastructure (Australia)
- product requirements capture and validation in the oil and gas sector (USA)
- development of a requirements management framework (New Zealand)
- numerous source selection evaluations (Australia)
- technical planning support to a large astronomy project (USA).
- wind tunnel requirements definition (Eastern European country)
- audit of the status of a software-intensive project (Australia)
Clients typically apply our services for the purposes of development, capability benchmarking and improvement, acquisition, project delivery, or independent verification and validation. Our means of service delivery include:
- support by email, telephone, and video conference, with work performed off-site (often traveling)
- consultancy performed on-site/off-site
- contracted studies performed primarily off-site
- long-term on-site in-person presence.
PPI Services include
- Decision Patterns Project Jump-Start
- Requirements GURU
- Requirements Quality Measurement
- multi-disciplinary technology-based project definition studies, applying the best systems engineering expertise world-wide
- development of engineering process capability
- development of engineering people capability through coaching and mentoring
- development of engineering team capability
- on-site systems engineering capability assessments & benchmarking
- acquisition management support
- bid & proposal support
- project management support
- project risk analysis
- RFT/RFP solicitation preparation and proposal bid/tender evaluation
- requirements analysis (requirements capture and validation) and specification writing
- systems engineering – requirements analysis and systems design
- systems independent verification & validation
- rescue of failing projects
Discuss Your Needs With Us
Some Software Tools that we use
- GENESYS™ functional analysis and system design MBSE tool
- CRITERIUM DecisionPlus decision support software
- TreeAge Pro decision and event tree decision analysis and contingency planning software
- Logical Decisions™ trade study software (MAUT-based)
- Jira agile project management tool
How we work
PPI is flexible with respect to client preferences for contract type. The following contractual bases are typical:
- full responsibility on a project/work package/specified deliverables basis, fixed or variable price
- consultancy and professional services – Project Performance International responsible for task management
- ad-hoc advice & mentoring, delivered by email, videoconference & telephone
- contract labor – client responsible for task management.
Consulting (ad hoc)
10 hours | USD 2,710 |
20 hours | USD 5,143 |
50 hours | USD 12,635 |
100 hours | USD 24,752 |
200 hours | USD 48,203 |
The fees quoted above for ad hoc off-site work are valid for engagements to 31 December 2025.
PPI can help you in all facets of systems engineering. Benefit from PPI’s consulting services – contact us today to discuss.