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The PPI Vision, Mission and Strategy


Having just passed the halfway mark through the year, it is a good time to pause and reflect on where we’ve come from and where we’re going – personally and professionally. This month the team has taken time to reflect on its vision, mission and strategy and we wanted to share this with our readership too.

Our Vision

A world in which the need for our services has disappeared, because every engineer graduates, not only as a competent technologist, but with an understanding of how to go about successfully applying that technology expertise. A world in which every CEO expects and requires systems engineering to be practiced at every level of the enterprise. A world in which engineering academics without exception see systems engineering as an integral part of the discipline of engineering. And then we can sit on the beach in Rio de Janeiro and count the stars.

Our Mission

To improve the performance of our clients and the lives of their people by improving the practice of engineering, based on systems thinking, and using the principles and methods of systems engineering.

Our Strategy

To grow agents of change in enterprises worldwide, at every level of the enterprise, by delivering demonstrably outstanding, evidence-based consulting and training services that win hearts and minds. To do so using a team of outstanding professionals who gain satisfaction from empowering others.

This and additional information regarding our capabilities and clientele is available on our website.


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