PPI Company News

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René King Visits Australia


Although the PPI headquarters are in Melbourne, Australia, as the ‘I in PPI suggests, Project Performance International is a global company in that it serves and employs people from all around the world.

In December 2017, René King who hails from Johannesburg, South Africa joined the PPI family and has worked remotely and travelled substantially in her role as senior engineer and CTI Managing Director.

In February 2020, after more than 2 years of working via correspondence with the team in Melbourne, René finally met with the Melbourne team and had the pleasure of working in the office with her teammates, balancing hard work and fun the PPI way!

Below is a photograph taken after an evening of mini-golf and an enjoyable dinner with the team.

Left to right: Caitlyn Liu, René King, Robert Halligan, Jess Cuffe, Kevin Blazé, Helen Hele, (front) Karen Deveson, John O’Kelly, Bridget Petty, (back left to right) Benjamin Bryant, Michael Petty, Helen Chen, Rebeca Carneiro.


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