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PPI Reaches 50 Live-Online Courses This Year


With the huge changes that have occurred in the world because of the COVID 19 pandemic, PPI, like every other enterprise, has had to adjust greatly. PPI (and CTI) went from conducting in-person training and consulting until February 2020, to virtual delivery of training and consulting services since. In March it became clear that the world was changing dramatically, and the only way to continue was to become completely adept in conducting almost every aspect of our business by remote working. This was a huge shift for us. Thanks to a combination of tremendous team effort and resilience, including outstanding IT leadership by CIO Kevin Blazé, we emerge from 2020 with accolades from clients for the value they are getting from our outstanding virtual consulting and training services deliveries. In early December, we reached our goal of 50 live-online courses for the year. We are grateful to you, our clients, who put your faith in us. We promise to continue to deliver training to the same high standard you have come to expect, and more.


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