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PPI Launches The PPI Academy


Team PPI has just launched an exciting new initiative, the PPI Engineering Academy. PPI has been acutely aware since our formation in 1992 of the need for hands-on application of the tools and techniques that we teach; systems engineering needs to be internalized to become the individual’s and the team’s preferred method of developing systems, small and large, simple and complex.

Through this vision, the  Engineering Academy Program has been borne. The Academy provides a program for clients that is structured around the delivery of a set of existing PPI courses and the provision of on-site and off-site mentoring in the application of the systems engineering approach.

The program uses a project that is related to the business of the client as a vehicle with which to apply the tools and techniques taught in the classroom. Clients are invited to use this program to foster individual, team and company success through a community approach to learning. More information is here.


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