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PPI Goes Live-Online with PPI Live-Online™


March has been a big month, with the launch of PPI’s new, live-online training service PPI Live-Online™ to our clients. Not only a launch, but successful public and in-house deliveries of four online courses to clients on four continents, with a largest group size of 27! And under its own new PPI Live-Online™ branding (see below).

All PPI training that was previously available only by physical delivery is now also available live online. Availability online includes many courses that were offered only on-site for physical delivery. See https://www.ppi-int.com/on-site-training/

PPI Managing Director Robert Halligan said this week “We believe that the world has changed forever. PPI continues its leadership in delivering value to its clients via systems engineering training worldwide with the introduction of PPI Live-Online™. PPI Live-Online and its benefits to clients of PPI in terms of outstanding content, expert facilitators, flexibility, cost and avoidance of travel are here to stay.

Click here to view the current PPI Live-Online course schedule.


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