Next week is an exciting time for PPI as risk management and medical devices expert, Bijan Elahi, presents the first ever public PPI course on this prominent topic in the medical industry. Bijan is the winner of the Educator of the Year Award from the International System Safety Society and is passionate about elevating global knowledge and proficiency in medical device risk management for the benefit of companies and society.
The three-day course will take place in Eindhoven in the Netherlands from the 20-22 November and will cover a comprehensive range of topics including the systematic analysis, estimation, evaluation and control of safety risks associated with medical devices. The content of the course includes management of risk associated with product development as well as post-market risk. The course will equip participants with tools needed for successful management of risk in order to predict and prevent serious harm to patients and loss of business. For more information, please see the MDRM course on the PPI website, here