George Sousa
Course Presenter
BEng, MSc, PhD

Dr. George Sousa is a Course Presenter in a collaborative effort uniting Project Performance International (PPI) and Engeflux Engenharia de Sistemas Ltda (Engeflux). He obtained his Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Industrial Engineering at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, his PhD degree in Industrial & Systems Engineering at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Virginia Tech), USA, and his professional education certificates on Systems Engineering, Architecting and Enterprise Transformation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. Over the years, he had the opportunity to be involved in various public and private enterprise transformation efforts, including the ones at Fultec Inox, TRW, AT&T, Danaher Motion, Bosch, Enerflux Agroenergia, Fertilizantes Aliança, and the Brazilian Army. Since joining the PPI-Engeflux team, George has contributed to the creation of a new course on Engineering Successful Infrastructure Systems (ESIS) and serves as its facilitator worldwide.
His professional career evolved based on academic, industrial and governmental applications combined with research projects integrating Systems Engineering, System Dynamics and Agile & Lean Thinking. Starting as a young Business Process Engineer at IDS Scheer South America, he provided methodological guidance on modeling, simulation and integration efforts using ARchitecture for integrated Information Systems (ARIS) to support large scale enterprise improvement and SAP software implementation. He worked as a graduate researcher at USP´s Nucleus for Advanced Manufacturing (NuMA) and at Virginia Tech´s Enterprise Engineering Research Lab (EERL). He worked as a professor in academic engineering programs, currently holding an invited professorship appointment at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he teaches systems engineering principles to distinguished colonels of the Brazilian Armed Forces.
Being passionate about systems thinking, modeling and problem-solving, George has been researching and developing practical approaches for engineering large-scale systems, aiming to optimize total system value. His focus has been directed to the intersection of the virtual world (of models) with the real world (of built infrastructure enabling operations) inherent to the feedback control loops that sustain high levels of system effectiveness over time. To expand his innovative professional practice into a scientifically rigorous team effort, George co-founded Engeflux as a private engineering firm. Engeflux is evolving. The results generated so far have provided systems engineering training to hundreds of professionals, and enterprise transformation benefits to various organizations. In recent years, his projects have contemplated the challenges related to sustainable development of energy and agriculture systems, co-leading efforts to engineer infrastructure for large scale production of clean sugar cane ethanol and high-efficiency mineral fertilizers.
George is a founding member of the Brazilian Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE BRASIL), the first INCOSE Chapter in Latin America. He has served as its President, leading the creation and implementation of a novel strategy for INCOSE Chapters operation and expansion in large geographical areas.
Courses Presented
- Systems Engineering (5-Day)