INCOSE Beijing Student Division was founded at the Industrial Engineering Department of Tsinghua University on Monday, 24 April, 2017. David Mason, the INCOSE Assistant Director for the Student Division, who is also an ESEP, worked for Lockheed Martin for almost 30 years, and is a CTI Principal Consultant, delivered a speech to the students on system engineering, on how INCOSE Beijing Student Division can grow and what the future could be.
Dr. Zhang Xingu(President of INCOSE Beijing Chapter, Vice General Manager of Aviation Industry Corporation of China), Mr. Guo Baozhu (Academician of International Academy of Astronautics; Retired Deputy Director of China National Space Administration), Dr. Li Lefei (Associate Professor of Tsinghua University, Industrial Engineering Department, and Vice Director of INCOSE Beijing Chapter, Advisor INCOSE Beijing Student Division) also attended the inauguration and gave speeches.